Congratulations to our fabulous youth group team for scooping a multitude of awards at NANDA’s Youth Festival 2019. The youth group collectively won The Arcade Drama Cup – Runner Up for the festival! The Touchwood Trophy for Best Original or Improvised Work! The Dan Shaw Award Adjudicators Discretion (this was for teamwork and makes me so proud of our group)! The Fox Trophy for Actor of the Festival (awarded to Fotis Manolas) and the Shield for Best actress under 11 (awarded to Rojin Altuntas). On top of all this we were also awarded 2 highly commended certificates (James Terry and Caleb Ryde). The whole team were fabulous on the day. Well done to the director Sarah Tryner, the writer John Birch with thanks to Mandy Buckley and Ann Marie Butler for making the magic work. We are a T E A M!!!! ???